Monday, July 15, 2019

Out of the Process of Reflective Thought in Relation to Others

There were many people in the earliest days of the Quaker gathering who, through the appearance of the inherent Presence of the spirit of Christ in their consciousness and conscience, were (relatively speaking) drawn out of the process of relating to one another through reflective thought to guide and rule their relationships, interactions, and worship. The nature of this different way of relating to and interacting with other people was such that they were come out of identification with and participation in outward formalities, ceremonies, instrumentalities, and institutions; even those that others in the gathering found helpful and nurturing through the inshining Light itself in their conscience. This being drawn out of the process of reflective thought in relation to other people led them to make no distinction between godly or ungodly forms and instrumentalities. They were draw out of all forms in relation to others people.  It is a blessing and encouraging to share this experience with those who were part of the earliest history of the gathering of Friends and to know this ministration of life, through the appearance of  immanent Presence itself in itself inherently sustained in the conscience and consciousness, is still alive today.