Friday, November 30, 2018

The Christonomous Experience in Relation to Autonomy and Concorporation.

There are people whose identity, conscience, and consciousness is, generally speaking, guided and informed autonomously. That is, they are self-regulated and individualistic in their interactions and relationships in the sense that they move, act, and relate to others the context of the various outward social, political, and religious ideas, morals, ethics, opinions, values, and institutions. The conscience and consciousness of the autonomous or individualistic person is guided and informed from within the sphere of those outward formalities they decide to follow. Often, they are accused of being selfish or self-centered because, in their interactions with others, they value their own sphere of outward social, political, and religious formalities over others, and often at the expense of others, and groups. The self-regulated conscience values the sense of independency above conformity to the conscience of the group.