Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Virtue out of the Shadows

Research Notes.

I am ever thankful for those early Quakers who, through the inshining Spirit, were come out of the process of idenitification with and participation in outward forms to guide and informs their relationships, laid down their testimonies in writing. For by so doing, they make it possible for those of us today who share the same spiritual experience to expose to our contemporaries that the Spirit was ministering in such a way even from the very beginnings of the Quaker gathering.

I am also thankful for those Quakers who, through the inshining Spirit were come out of participation in and identification with outward formalities out of the Life and were led into godly formalities or formalities in the Light and who labored against those in the Quaker gathering were were come out of all formalities and into the substances itself in itself. For those negative reflections not only say things about those who they reflect against but also says important and revealing things about those doing the reflecting.